



1. 立志是事業的大門,工作是登堂入室的階梯。——巴斯德

Set up your ambition as the gateway to your career, and work is the ladder to success. - Pasteur

2. 志不立,天下無可成之事。

Without establishing an ambition, there is nothing in the world that can be accomplished.

3. 志以成道,言以宣志。

Ambition should serve the way (or path) of life, and words should serve to express the ambition.

4. 壯志與熱情是偉業的輔冀。

Vigour and enthusiasm are the precursors of great undertakings.

5. 志士仁人,無求生以害仁,有殺身以成仁。

A righteous man or woman of great dedication will not seek to live at the expense of their principles, but will be willing to lay down their life in order to uphold them.

6. 壯心未與年俱老,死去猶能作鬼雄。

My strong aspirations do not grow old with me, and even after death, I will remain a formidable spirit.

7. 偉大的志向需要真誠的勇氣和勤奮的工作。

Great aspirations require sincere courage and diligent work.

8. 希望是人生的太陽。應由衷地讚美人生的太陽,讓太陽光芒四射。

Hope is the sunshine of life. It is worth singing high praise for the sunshine of life and making it shine brightly.

9. 沒有希望便沒有絕望。

Without hope, there is no despair.