



1. Life is not about finding yourself, but about creating yourself.(人生不是你發現自己的過程,而是創造自己的過程。)

2. Your legacy will always be remembered, so make it a good one.(你的遺產將永遠被銘記,所以讓它變得美好。)

3. The greatest value of life is not in its length, but in the moments that make it worthwhile.(生命最大的價值不在於長短,而在於那些值得擁有的時刻。)

4. Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get. The same goes for values - they are what you make of them.(生命就像一盒朱古力,你永遠不知道會得到什麼。價值觀也是如此,它們取決於你自己如何去塑造。)

5. Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.(成功並不是快樂的唯一鑰匙。快樂的關鍵在於成功。如果你熱愛自己所做的事情,你就會成功。)

6. The best value of life is not money, but love and friendship.(生命中最寶貴的價值不是金錢,而是愛與友誼。)
