



* Trust is like a flower, nurture it and it will bloom. (信任就像一朵花,養育它就會綻放。)

* Trust is like a seed that needs to be planted. (信任就像一顆種子,需要去播種。)

* Trust is something that cannot be taught, it must be learned. (信任是不能教會的,必須去學習。)

* Trust is like a bridge, it connects us to the people we care about. (信任就像一座橋,連線著我們和我們關心的人。)

* Trust is not something that happens overnight, but rather a process that takes time and effort. (信任不是一夜之間發生的事情,而是一個需要時間和努力的過程。)

* Trust is like money in the bank; you can't have it all the time, but it's there for you when you need it. (信任就像存在銀行里的錢,你不能一直花它,但是當你需要的時候它就在那裡。)

* Trust is the foundation of all relationships, without it, everything falls apart. (信任是所有關係的基礎,沒有它,一切都會分崩離析。)

* Trust is the glue that holds relationships together. (信任是關係得以維繫的關鍵。)

* Trust is the ultimate weapon in the battle of the heart. (信任是感情戰爭中的終極武器。)